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In today's fast-paced world, parents are stretched between work and caring for their children. Enrichment programs can help kids stay focused on their schoolwork and develop other skills such as dancing, sports or yoga. It is a chance for children to try new activities and discover their likes and dislikes. They can also learn to set goals and work...

A child enrichment program is a great way for children to learn new things. Unlike schools, which focus on academic subjects like Bahasa Melayu, English, Math, Science and History, child enrichment programs focus on building skills in various areas. These skills can be anything from creative writing to reading comprehension. This type of learning...

The early years of a child's life are critical for healthy development. The environment that a child lives in, the health care they receive and the amount of time spent with family can have lasting impacts on their emotional, social and cognitive development. These factors play a role in how well they do in school and in their future careers....

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